POPI Policy
Download Our Policy
De Wet Lyell Nel & Maeyane Incorporated is committed to the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information (POPIA) Act, No 4 of 2013. We are committed to protecting Personal Information by specifying processes, procedures and safeguards for the processing and access of Personal Information. Click on the Download Our Policy link for our detailed policy.

Buying and Selling a House
What You Need To Know
Buying a house is probably the biggest and most important investment you will ever make. Also, should you be planning to sell your house, do not lose the money earned by your investment by not knowing about the basic legal aspects involved. Find out more about conveyancers and conveyancing.

Claiming From the Road Accident Fund: Why Use an Attorney
What You Need To Know
Although you can claim directly from the Road Accident Fund (RAF) if you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, an attorney specialising in personal injury claims has the knowledge and experience to assist you and to ensure that your claim is properly calculated and submitted to the RAF in accordance with the Road Accident Fund Act and Regulations.
Small Claims Courts
What You Need To Know
Whether you have a claim or a defence against another person, this brochure is designed to provide you with a simple guide
on how to utilise the Small Claims Court effectively. Small Claims Courts are established and regulated by the Small Claims Court Act 61 of 1984. Their purpose is to resolve legal disputes fast without the cost of lawyers.

Admission of Guilt Fines
What You Need To Know
The South African Police Service may give a person, who has been arrested on suspicion of a less serious crime, an option to pay an admission of guilt fine. Many people pay an admission of guilt fine so that they can be released from police custody – not knowing what it means and how it will affect them. Unfortunately, there are consequences to paying an admission of guilt fine which may haunt a person for many years to come. It is advisable first to speak to an attorney before you pay an admission of guilt fine.

Applying for a Temporary or Permanent Residence VISA
What You Need To Know
All visa applications whether of a temporary or permanent residence nature fall under the ambit of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002 (as amended). In addition policy decisions of the Department of Home Affairs as embodied in Departmental Directive are what make the Act work. Immigration law can be a minefield of obstacles and pitfalls. It is in the interests of foreign nationals applying for visas of any description to consult an attorney who is a specialist in this area of expertise in order to try and minimise the effects of the
pitfalls and obstacles.